Sign on to the OTRS environment as Admin. Proceed to the tab:


Upload the provided package here. ( I-doitConnector-XXX.opm ).


Achten sie darauf, dass vorher das ITSMConfigurationManagement und ITSMServiceManagement Paket von OTRS installiert ist. Dieses Paket beinhaltet u.a die benötigte CMDB von OTRS.

The tab „SysConfig“ provides a number of settings with which you can, for example, define the synchronization interval.

home screen after installation 1

The tab „SysConfig“ provides a number of settings with which you can, for example, define the synchronization interval.

Brief overview of the settings:

  • I-doitSyncInterval
  • DeleteCMDB
  • IncidentStateMap
  • IncidentStateDefault
  • DeploymentState2Functionality
  • DeploymentStateDefault
  • ObjectTypeCategoryConfig
  • ContactAssignment::Max
  • ContactAssignment::Role
  • DefaultCompanyName

Now click on the connector to see additional options.

after installation 2

Here you will find five tabs. Click on the first one ‚Connector‘ to enter the i-doit connector. For this to work you will have to have entered the i-doit URL and the APIKey. If everything is green then the connector is set up correctly.

connector configuration

Then click on the tab ‚Object Type Configuration‘ to define your CMDB structure, which you might want to synchronize by OTRS. (eg. only clients and servers)

object-type configuration

In the next step, choose the categories you want to synchronize.

category configuration

Now save the configuration.

The CMDB structure will now be installed in the background after which the first synchronization will take place.
